Wednesday, September 11, 2013

About MotherGoose Designs....

Today I was planning on sewing. The playroom is connected to my studio(which I just cleaned and organized yesterday) and my youngest two are perfectly content to run back and forth and swing in the doorway between the rooms......But as a mother of four, things do not always go as planned. My older two missed the bus (a regularoccurance since we are NOT morning people). Then, since I was out anyways, I figured I would return something at the store and pickup more printer ink. Go to store #1 to make the retuen, and realize I didn't even bring the items. (Like I said, not morning people lol.) So I go and get ink at another store.
As we are leaving the store my 15 month old starts screaming. Not crying, mind you, but screaming like someone just tried to pull off her arm. Of course, I start looking for anything that could have hurt her, which was very few items since she was buckled in the cart. But she is a complicated baby so there's no telling what sets her off sometimes. 15 minutes later, of which she screamed and thrashed nonstop, I found this.
Ok, no good, especially since she is very attached to this paci and its the last one from the hospital. (No, its ont 15 months old, she spent quite a few weeks in the hospital during the first year.) So obviously I cant let her have it back, it's a huge choking hazard:/ I swing by the baby store and of course they only have the colored ones, that are a different material, and she wont touch them. So she screamed all the way home. At home i tried to give her a green one, she immediately went and threw it in the toilet:/ In the midst of chaos, there is a bump on the door. No, not a knock since fedex likes to toss my packages down the hill until they hit the door, but whatever.
So we get this:

Happy baby:) (And new fabric for the store lol). No screaming since, but she has claimed that hot pink chevron minkee lol. So the halloween clothes and trainers that are in various stages of being complete will wait until tonight.
This is a typical day at MotherGoose Designs. So you may notice at times I give a 2 week turn around. This assumes we have several days like this lol. Most items will ship in a week or less, but I always err on the side of caution and predict a longer turn around, just in case.

That being said, we have lots of new items in the works. I will be stocking BottomBumpers cloth diapers, Squeez"Ems food pouches(reusable) and more:) And I will attempt to keep you updated to the changes:)

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